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Restaurant Marketing Checklist PDF
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How Do You Revive a Failing Restaurant?

How Do You Revive a Failing Restaurant?

The restaurant industry is tough.  And if you're in it, you know exactly what we're talking about.  For many restaurant owners, the time comes when you find yourself worrying about whether or not you can keep the doors open and for how much longer.  A better question...

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Should Restaurants Use Chatbots?

Should Restaurants Use Chatbots?

Past few years, we've noticed that restaurants, especially small ones are behind on technology. E-commerce companies that sell products online are much further ahead with using technology as tools to aid their businesses. The beautiful thing about today is technology...

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Should Restaurants Use Email Marketing?

Should Restaurants Use Email Marketing?

Some people think email marketing is dead. We couldn’t disagree more! Email marketing essential for restaurants that want to grow and thrive. We help restaurants set up email marketing systems that are designed to bring people in the door with the click of a button....

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How to Increase Restaurant Sales: 3 Proven Ways

How to Increase Restaurant Sales: 3 Proven Ways

Are you trying to find out how to increase restaurant sales? Whether you're a restaurant owner, manager, or a marketing person... there are 3 foundational ways to increase your restaurant's sales that need to be addressed.  For each of these points, we'll try to give...

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